The podcast

About me

My name is Alison Turner. I'm 51, divorced with 2 grown-up children, Chloe and Adam. I live in a small town in Wales and I work for a firm of financial advisers, called Davies & Davies. To make matters more complicated I am in a relationship with a psychiatrist called David Davies. 

I depend a lot on my best friends, Pippa and Bev, to give me good advice, which I routinely ignore. I'm addicted to chocolate and have been trying to diet for as long as I can remember. 

And I think that's all you need to know about me for the time being except that my first book will be published very soon! Called This Time Next Year, it covers a year in my life beginning with my 50th birthday. This blog picks up my diary in real time,beginning just after the book finishes.

1 comment:

  1. No idea how I ended up here, but I think you may have just sold me on the idea of reading your book! Hehehe! can't be bad? ♥
