The podcast

Monday, 6 May 2019

My other brilliant idea again

Forgive me! I suddenly realised I'd left you hanging in mid-air, desperate to know what my other brilliant idea was. Well, it's this; I'm going to make a podcast!

(Does one 'make' a podcast? Whatever one does I'm going to be doing it.)

I know you're thinking, 'What on earth can Alison be planning to podcast about?' Then again perhaps you're like me and not entirely sure what a podcast is. That should read 'like I was': I know all about them now.

They're like a radio show but different. I won't go into technicalities here - I don't want to bore you and anyway I've forgotten a lot of what I found out - so let me just explain what my podcast is going to involve.

As I mentioned in a previous post I am currently writing a sequel to my best-selling memoir, This Time Next Year. In order to prepare the ground, so to speak, and to start building a potential customer base, I am going to serialise This Time Next Year and podcast it.

Do you like the way I talk about 'building a potential customer base'? Can you tell I'm trying to learn about marketing and promotion? I'm supposed to be building my online presence but I'm not being awfully successful at that. Trouble is I keep getting distracted.

But to get back to my podcast. I think I will break it down into fifteen minute episodes and broadcast them once a week, maybe?

The recording itself seems simple enough. I just have to borrow Adam's microphone and read. Broadcasting is said to be simple. But then most things on the internet are said to be simple yet I struggle with them. Maybe I should wait until Adam is home from uni so he can help me.

In the meantime I can start breaking my diary down into episodes.

I am an intelligent woman. How hard can this be?

P.S. In case anyone should accuse me of false pretences the definition of best-selling is subjective. What counts as best-selling to me may not be what counts as best-selling in a more traditional view.

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